GLMM 2019 -Class Schedule NOW AVAILABLE!

GLMM 2019 -Class Schedule NOW AVAILABLE!

I hope you’ve enjoyed the past couple of weeks of sneak peeks of the 2019 Classes for the Great Lakes Mega Meet in Novi, Michigan! Now it’s time to show you the whole schedule – and for you to start planning!!

Use the following pages to help you plan your schedule at GLMM 2019! 

2019 GLMM Class Schedule GRID

The ” Grid ” link takes you to a grid that shows what classes are on the schedule when – you can click on any of the class titles, and a popup window will give you the details on the class, including an image of the class project, the description, the supply list, the price, and more!

2019 GLMM Class Schedule DESCRIPTIONS

The ” Descriptions ” link takes you to a long list (printed it will be 40+ pages long – and use a LOT of ink), sorted alphabetically by the “short” class title (which cross references to the title that shows on the grid) This alphabetical list includes images, descriptions, supply lists, prices, and lists the times and dates each class is offered.

Basic Supplies:For all classes you should plan to bring the following basic supplies, as well as any supplies listed with the class description:

  • 12″ trimmer
  • Scissors
  • Adhesive (wet and dry)
  • Black Pen
  • Exacto Knife